
Why Sativa Strains Are the Best for Your Mental Health

What are the benefits of a sativa strain? Many people know that sativa are known for their uplifting high and energizing qualities. However, there is more to this type of cannabis than just mood-enhancing properties. These strains can have powerful effects on your mental health and your ability to focus. They can also help combat depression and anxiety, and increase energy levels. In order to understand how these strains benefit you, it’s important to know what they do in terms of mental health. 

What are the benefits of a sativa strain?

A sativa strain is a type of cannabis plant. They are typically the more energetic, uplifting strains, and they have been shown to help people with anxiety and depression.

  • Acts as an anti-depressantsMany people turn to sativa strains for good reason; they provide an energizing high that can relieve feelings of anxiety. These effects can then lead to a healthier lifestyle overall.
  • Improves focus – Sativas are known for their ability to increase your focus on one task at a time. They can also help you stay focused under stress, which will make it easier for you to study or perform other activities that require concentration.
  • Promotes creativity – Sativas are often associated with creativity because they make you feel more “open” and experimental in nature. This feeling is what leads them to be excellent for tasks that require innovation and original ideas—like writing or painting.
  • Treatment for depressionDepression affects nearly 350 million people worldwide; this number just goes up every single day as social media continues to grow. With this statistic in mind, it makes sense that sativa strains would be effective against depression since they tend not to cause negative mood swings. In fact, some research has even shown that sativas can be better than sedatives at treating depression symptoms such as exhaustion and low motivation levels.

Why are they good for your mental health?

Sativas can help balance out your moods and alleviate anxiety, depression, and stress. Due to the pure sativa uplifting high, it is not as likely to interfere with other medications you may be taking. If you have an anxiety disorder or depression, sativas can help alleviate these symptoms by balancing out your moods. As a result, people who suffer from mental illnesses like PTSD tend to experience less trauma after consuming sativas.

Lastly, because of the energy that comes along with this strain, it can also help you feel more motivated and productive. If you’re feeling lethargic or unmotivated, a quick hit of sativa will revitalize your tired mind and body.


If you want to start using sativas for your mental health, you can consume one or two servings a day of an edible, or vape. You can also use a sativa strain for your joint if smoking is your preference.  This will give you enough of these benefits without overwhelming your body or causing negative side effects. Sativas are potent, so avoid overdoing it with the quantity if possible.  Be careful when consuming too much edibles because it can take some time for the effects to kick in unlike smoking.  The effects also lasts a lot longer than smoking.  If you’re not used to this type of cannabis, start slowly and work up to larger doses slowly over time.  Visit for all your cannabis needs.

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