
How to Stay Safe When You’re Under the Influence of Cannabis

It’s not just the legal marijuana trend that is making cannabis a hot topic. Cannabis is also becoming increasingly popular in the world of health and wellness. The plant has many medicinal benefits, and it’s beginning to be used as a form of treatment for everything from anxiety to chronic pain. But where there is marijuana, there are potential side effects.

While your tolerance level might help you avoid getting high, it can increase the chances that you’ll experience adverse reactions such as impaired decision-making skills or an inability to remember events after using cannabis. Here are some tips for staying safe when you’re under the influence of cannabis.

What is Cannabis?

Cannabis is a plant known for its many medicinal benefits. It comes in the form of dried flowers and plants, as well as oils, waxes, resins, and other extracts that are made from cannabis.

The most common use of cannabis is as a recreational drug. However, it’s becoming more widely used to treat a variety of illnesses and ailments. Cannabis has been shown to have an impact on pain management, neural disorders such as PTSD, and nausea symptoms.

Cannabis can be ingested orally or through smoking or vaporizing the plant’s materials. It can also be used topically such as in skin creams or oils for cosmetic purposes.

Effects of Cannabis use

Cannabis use can be healthy and beneficial when consumed in a controlled way. On the other hand, it can have detrimental effects if used incorrectly or recreationally.

Here are some dangers of cannabis that you should know about:

  • Impaired decision-making skills. Cannabis use can lead to a reduced ability to make good decisions, which could lead to risky behavior or cause accidents.
  • Inability to remember events after using cannabis. Cannabis consumption can reduce your memory capacity and may result in forgetting important events and details that happen while under the influence.
  • Tolerance level increases the risk of adverse reactions such as impaired judgment, sleepiness, disorientation, slowed reaction time, and memory loss.

Understand your tolerance level

When you use cannabis, you’ll likely build up a tolerance to the drug. This means that you’ll need more cannabis over time to achieve the same effect.

This increase in tolerance can also cause some problems if you’re not careful: it can make it harder for you to judge how much is too much and just when your “high” has worn off.

A good way to gauge your tolerance level is by trying to determine how many milligrams (mg) of THC is equivalent to one gram of dried marijuana flower. The rule of thumb: 1 mg = 1/10th of a single dried marijuana flower. So, if you’re using 10 grams at a time, then each gram will contain 100 mg of THC.

Know the signs and symptoms of a cannabis overdose

One of the most common side effects of cannabis is impaired decision-making. You may experience an increase in the risk of experiencing this adverse reaction if you have any of these signs and symptoms:

  • Changes in your mood or emotions
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Decreased short-term memory
  • Increased risk-taking behaviors

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to speak to a doctor about your concerns. These warnings are especially important for individuals with a history of substance abuse or cognitive difficulties who may experience more pronounced changes in their behavior after using cannabis.

The following symptoms can also indicate a cannabis overdose:

  • Anxiety, paranoia, fear, panic attacks
  • Disorientation, confusion, impaired judgment
  • Hallucinations, psychosis

Tips to stay safe while using cannabis.

  1. Monitor your tolerance to cannabis. If you’ve been drinking alcohol over time, it could affect your reaction to cannabis. It’s best to avoid getting high if you’re not accustomed to cannabis or if you’re coming back from a long absence of use.
  2. Take precautions before using cannabis. Make sure you have a sober adult present with you and that your designated driver has enough money for a taxi home in case they are incapacitated as well.
  3. Watch for signs of impairment when using cannabis, such as slurred speech or memory loss after using the substance.
  4. Ask someone with experience in how much cannabis is too much for different people before deciding on what dose will work best for you (or ask them about CBD).
  5. Don’t mix alcohol and weed; they’ll create an unpredictable outcome and possibly make things worse than if both substances were consumed separately.


If you are new to cannabis or simply want to be safe, these tips can help you navigate the world of cannabis consumption.  Now that you know the benefits and risks with cannabis use, you are now ready to dive into the world of cannabis.  Get your cannabis products at

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