
Common Cannabis Storage Mistakes and How to Fix Them

When it comes to storing your cannabis, the first few times you try to do it yourself, you probably don’t think much about it. After all, who really plans on keeping their stash around for more than a few days? As time goes on, though, you’ll begin to see the problems with storing cannabis improperly. Cannabis, especially when it’s stored improperly, can begin to degrade. When this happens, the active compounds in your marijuana begin to break down. This can cause a variety of different problems, from a change in consistency to an unpleasant aroma.  Here are some common storage mistakes, and how to fix them.

Storing cannabis in the wrong container

Cannabis should be stored in a container that is either airtight or opaque. You should also make sure your cannabis can’t come into contact with any other materials, as those may contain chemicals that could damage or degrade your marijuana. It’s best to store your cannabis in a glass jar with an airtight lid.

Storing cannabis in the freezer

Many people mistakenly store their cannabis in the freezer. A cool environment is good for keeping cannabis fresh, but a freezer can also cause a buildup of moisture that can lead to mold and mildew. If you want to store your cannabis in the freezer, make sure to seal it with an airtight container to prevent this from happening.

Keeping your cannabis in the light

The most common mistake people make with storing their cannabis is keeping it in the light. This will not only degrade the active compounds in it, but it also could ruin the quality of your cannabis. You should keep your cannabis in a cool dark place and away from any sources of heat or light.

Not sealing your purchases

As soon as you buy your cannabis, it’s important that you seal the bag. You can use a vacuum sealer or a ziploc bag. Either way, the cannabis needs to be sealed so that it doesn’t degrade and lose its potency. If you don’t seal your purchases, they may not last as long as they should.

Leaving cannabis out too long

This is one of the most common mistakes marijuana enthusiasts make. If you leave your cannabis out too long, the active compounds begin to break down and change in consistency. The heat also starts to degrade the THC, which makes it difficult to use it effectively.  To avoid this mistake, make sure you store your cannabis in an airtight container that doesn’t have any holes or open spaces for moisture or light. You should also keep your cannabis away from any food, as the smell can transfer into your marijuana.

Wrapping marijuana in paper or plastic

Wrapping cannabis in a paper or plastic bag is an unwise idea. Not only does it trap in moisture, which could lead to mold and mildew, but it also traps harmful chemicals from the cannabis itself. If you don’t want to store your weed in a plastic bag, there are other options. One option is to use a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.


Storing cannabis properly is important for the safety of your product and keeping it fresh. Plus, you can save money on a bulk order versus buying in smaller quantities!  Visit online dispensary for all your cannabis needs today.


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