
How To Store Your Cannabis Safely and Effectively

Storing cannabis is crucial for keeping your stash safe, but it can be a hassle. Anything from humidity levels to temperature fluctuations can ruin your weed in a heartbeat. Keeping track of where your medicine is at all times and preventing odors from permeating other areas are two of the most common challenges people face when it comes to storing their weed. Fortunately, with a little bit of knowledge and some forethought, keeping your stash safe doesn’t have to be such a hassle. Following these storage tips will help keep your cannabis fresh for weeks, if not longer.

Keep humidity levels low

Humidity levels are one of the biggest threats to the quality and shelf life of cannabis. Too much humidity can cause cannabis to become soft, moldy, and even spoil. The best humidity levels for storing cannabis are between 35% and 45% to prevent softening. Most storage containers are designed to keep humidity at the right levels to prevent mold and softening. If you’re using a glass container, you can place a desiccant inside the container to absorb excess moisture and keep your cannabis dry. Silica gel, coconut husk, and other absorbent materials can also be used. If you’re storing cannabis in particular types of plastic containers, you should consider keeping the humidity low to prevent softening. Doing so will also help prevent odors from permeating the plastic, as odours are often caused by excess moisture in plastic containers.

Avoid sunlight

Like humidity levels, the sun’s rays are dangerous to cannabis. The sun’s UV rays are what cause cannabis to ripen and lose its potency, so keeping your cannabis out of the sunlight can keep it fresh and potent longer. While the importance of sunlight shouldn’t be minimized, it’s not as big of a threat as humidity. Keeping cannabis in a dark area, especially with the right storage container, is all you need to do to keep it lasting longer. Dark areas are ideal for storing cannabis, and the best place to do so is in a closet or a drawer that is not visible to the general public. If you’re storing cannabis in a drawer or closet that is visible to other people or pets, keep it in an opaque container to keep it away from sunlight.

Avoid extremes of temperature

Like sunlight, excessive heat can cause cannabis to become soft and lose its potency. Keeping your cannabis away from excessive heat can extend its shelf life by keeping it from becoming soft and losing its potency. The best way to keep your cannabis from being affected by high levels of heat is to store it in an airtight container. If you’re not able to do that, try to store it in an area with low levels of heat.

Keep odours at bay

Odours are one of the most dangerous threats to your cannabis. If you have an area in your home that is exposed to excessive odours, they will eventually seep into your stash. Keeping your bud out of areas with strong odours will help keep your cannabis fresh longer. Strong odours can ruin the flavour of your bud, cause clouds in the appearance of your bud, and even make you sick to your stomach. It’s important to make sure to keep your stash in an airtight container.

Properly seal your jars and containers

When sealing your jars and containers, make sure you properly seal the lid on. This is especially important when storing your cannabis in summer. Bacterial growth is an issue that can ruin your bud if it gets into it. Bacterial growth is one of the most dangerous threats to your cannabis. If you store your cannabis in an area that has high levels of bacteria, it could ruin the potency of your bud. Bacteria specifically targets your cannabinoids and will convert them into a chemical that is toxic to the human body. If your bud has been exposed to bacterial growth, it will taste and smell very off-taste and off-smell. You could try to salvage the taste and smell by letting your bud air out or using a dry herb vaporizer to remove the excess moisture from the air.


The best way to keep your cannabis fresh is to store it properly. You can keep your cannabis fresh by keeping humidity levels low, avoiding sunlight, avoiding extremes of temperature, keeping odors at bay, properly seal your jars and containers, and keeping your cannabis in a cool, dark place. Each of these steps is important in keeping your cannabis fresh and safe for weeks or even months. As with any type of food, follow these storage tips and you will be able to enjoy your bud for weeks or even months at a time.  Visit online dispensary for all your cannabis needs.

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